Micro Posts (Twitter Updates)
Monday, July 13, 2009
A much needed post!
I'm in Hong Kong right now because I didn't want to go back to England so soon! So I've been here for a month and the realisation that I don't have long left in Asia finally sunk in and I leave for England in less than 2 weeks =( *sob* So I guess if I wanted to do things right, I should have blogged about the things in Hong Kong too?? But ah wells, HK is a great place to be and the perk it has against Singapore is that the streets are still very much alive after work and only simmers down around midnight (no offence Singapore). That's mainly the reason why I've been mostly tweeting around midnight because it's when I come back, settle down and relax from the day and check out any news I might have missed.
I have been working on a final 'farewell to Singapore' type of post but I'm finding it difficult. I'm not sure whether it's because I don't want to have to say goodbye, or whether I really want the post to be perfect? So many things I can reflect on or give tips on about Singapore I just don't know how to squeeze it all in.
Anyhow, it's still being drafted, although to be honest, I haven't really touched it in the past week and the coming week looks to be rather eventful too...
Perhaps the perfect post might come to mind when the reality of goodbye finally arrives? That'll probably be when I'm back in England and back in my home comforts that I left a year ago.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
landlord is F****ing retarded
Turns out SP services doesn't charge for the reconnection fee, so Landlord was making it up? Well actually, no, SP services charges reconnection in an emergency case, but they reconnected 3 days after so it wasn't an emergency so there was no charge... but the landlord told us there was?? ¬.¬
But, today, when my housemate met with the landlord once again for the assessment, the "damages" didn't amount to a lot of money, something like $100-$200 for miscellaneous things. BUT, instead of the $360 extra rent that my housemate initially told me, the landlord decided to charge us $250 per night for the delay of the assessment, so that's $750 extra rent!!!! WTF?! His argument was that this is not written in the contract so he can do whatever the hell he wants!! &#%@#~&^&&%@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So my housemate said that if he continues to be unreasonable she'll go to the small claims tribunal. He said that she can but he'll increase the amount per day until an agreement is reached. A second "contract" had to be signed to show that the "damages" are agreed upon, so if my housemate didn't sign it the handover would not be complete and there'll be a daily charge until an agreement is made, so if she went to the small claims tribunal without signing anything, we would have risked losing everything or paying out more. He even said that he's had tenants before who sought legal help against him and none of them were successful. That doesn't scare us,it just tells us that he's a complete dick and likes to bully his tenants and is an unreasonable landlord.
I mean come on Singapore! I know the contract is usually made in favour of the landlord, he has more to lose if tenants don't behave, but why does a contract still back the landlord if they abuse their power? It provides no flexibility for tenants if unforeseen problematic circumstances come into play. Why do you make it so that they can bully their tenants, show no responsibility/DOC and forcing them to agree to unreasonable terms?
My non-Singaporean friends say that my landlord sounds typically Singaporean. It's people like him that give Singaporeans a bad name, which is such a shame.
Click here to read more
So On the 15th June 2009, the tenancy for my place ended and told my landlord that my housemate would be doing the handover on my behalf as I can't be in Singapore and she will collect the deposit too.
I receive an e-mail from one of my housemates. Here is what they wrote to me:
"Karen!!!!!... ok basically the utilities were cut off yesterday [the 15th] and none of us knew about it so I arrange to meet ONG at 730, but it was cut off at 6 - apparently from what [housemates] said. So ONG would not do the hand over because he cannot check the aircons and fridge and leakages etc.
ONG thinks we did this on purpose just so he cant check anything and give back more money than he should.. but apparently they have to turn it off when the SP office closes for the day - i.e. 6
We tried to arrange for ONG to do the handover on Sunday [I'm guessing they mean the 14th June?] but he couldn't make it so we had to do the last day instead...
...So he tried to get SP services to switch it back on for one day (at a cost of 50 sd or something) to test it out. But SP cant do it until Thursday then [&@^'*#] ONG however will CHARGE us for these three days (which is 360!! even though he knows we are not living there since we have all moved out and returned the keys (he says he knows we have duplicates and will try to come back and stay or something even though there is no [#£^$%@] water or gas or electricity, how can we [%$"£*#] COME BACK, IDIOT!!!!!)"
O.k. first of all, we don't have duplicates of the keys, why the hell would we make more copies of a key that serves us no purpose or use? Besides, it would cost $25-$30 PER KEY because they're not just any old type of key. We're University students, where we buy things that are cheap and don't waste money on making duplicate keys that cost more than our t-shirts.
I admit I cocked up on the utilities bit because I asked for it to be cancelled on the 15th but I had no idea that SP Services would cut off at 6pm! It would have been nice to have been told, but then again I admit that it was probably wrong of me to assume that they would automatically cut it off at midnight somehow, so I don't mind being charged the $50 reconnection fee. I'm sure that's a common newbie mistake?
BUT TO CHARGE US 3 DAYS RENT OF SD$360 WHEN THE LANDLORD HAS ALREADY TAKEN THE KEYS IS JUST WRONG!... I'm willing to compromise at one day's rent for the day that the utilities gets switched back on, but for the full 3 days? Seriously, can he do that? He's already taken our keys, he just can't do the assessment without water or electricity. By contract, the tenancy has ended, we have no access to the house because HE'S TAKEN OUR KEYS, but he's charging us rent for 3 days? Days which have no water or electricity running to because SP services cut it off. Oh and did I mention HE TOOK THE KEYS! So how does that work out to be rent?? He has the keys, he just hasn't done the flat assessment.
The way that I see it is that he can only charge us $360 if he can prove that the 3 days actually are "damages" in the sense that he loses out on $360 worth of rent by delaying the assessment. The only costs I see at the moment is the reconnection fee at $50 in order to do the actual flat assessment which is the standard process. If he has had to delay new tenants moving in, then ok, I'll accept the rent charge, but I really don't think he has otherwise he would have made a point about it. I'm sure that I have a better picture of what my landlord's character is like than he has of mine, because whatever he thinks that I'm/we're doing, he's got totally wrong and is completely paranoid and delusional.
I've had a lot of problems with my landlord and agents involved, we've had our differences, but to be honest, I've never really won a battle with them. So part of me just wants to let him do whatever the hell he wants to get it all over and done with... but the thing is, it's not just my money involved, the money comes out of our deposit which comprises of money from all my housemates so it would be unfair for them too.
I've been trying to look at it from his point of view, tried to understand where his thoughts and assumptions came from but I really can't figure it out. He rents out a lot of properties so unless he's had previous tenants sneak back into property after their lease finished or other people have tried to figure out ways to scam him, he has no reason to think such absurd things. We're young and naive in a different country, why would we risk our deposit on silly schemes after all the problems we've been through.
For me personally, it's no longer about how much money he charges because I get it, he's a landlord, he will try and milk as much money as he possibly can, it's about whether he's being fair...I can't help but think that charging us 3 days extra rent is wrong?
Help and advice anyone?
If by any chance you're reading this and can't comment or whatever, please email me: karen[dot]ht[dot]wan[at]googlemail[dot]com
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Kiasuism = Irrational threats?
I mean I know Singaporeans are very "Kiasu" but seriously? Legal action? What could I possibly be charged for? Having a life? Not being present in my own home? Or trying to reorganise a viewing for the prospective tenants?
Which brings me to think that the Singaporean "Kiasu" mentality makes them think and act irrationally and suffer from unnecessary paranoia? That, or my Landlord is just an arse.
Click the Post title to find out how/why my Landlord threatened me with legal action.
So here's the story:
Yesterday my agent messaged me to say there were people interested in viewing the property (my tenancy is up on June 15th) and says if 4pm tomorrow is OK?
I knew that I wouldn't be in at 4pm, so asked my other housemates if they would be free around that time. One of them said they would. So I replied to my agent saying that 4pm is fine.
Then, today, something came up for my housemate and he told me that he couldn't be home in the afternoon, so this meant that no one would be home for people to view the place.
So I messaged the agent telling her the situation and asked if it's possible to postpone or set another day? Then I was busy for an hour or so and was unable to hear and check my phone during this time. Then when I was free, I checked my phone and received 2 texts from my agent, 1 text from my Landlord and 3 missed calls from him too.
The agent's message said she had already confirmed with the other party, it's late notice to cancel, confirmation was given last night by both parties, please assist in viewing at 4pm if possible (something along those lines).
The message from my landlord said "KAREN. How can you turn down my agent appointment to view the house today at 4pm which u had agreed. They have group of 5 viewer as I told you in my email, at least 1 of u must be home. Hope it won't end up in legal action against u. Await ur phone call. Ong"
I never did receive an email, I checked it last night before I went to bed and first thing this morning when I woke up, then checked it again after I read the sms just to make sure. Still received nothing....
So I realised that word got round to my landlord pretty quick. I thought O.K. I'll ring the agent first because she deals with the other party, tell her that it was just an unforeseen circumstance and that I meant nothing by requesting to postpone the viewing. The only thing I could do is ask if 8pm is ok. She said she will have to ask the Landlord's agent and get back to me.
She didn't get back to me til 8pm, to tell me that people will be viewing at 8:30. I wish she had got back to me earlier, because I was going to ring the landlord after she confirmed and explained to him that there was some misunderstanding, I was not refusing to cooperate and offered a different time for the viewing. But it was probably too late by that time to have called him about it.
But really... LEGAL ACTION?! Seriously landlord, agents etc, do you really need to go to extreme lengths when you don't get your way and over something that has a very reasonable and logical explanation? Such a threat is just unnecessary! My landlord has just embarrassed himself because it's not like I was refusing entry or refusing to cooperate! I could have used legal action against him and/or the agents in the past over something unreasonable but decided not to because I thought that was too extreme and thought we could try and be civil. Obviously the Landlord doesn't think the same way.
I am truly disappointed in him.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Giving up your seat on the MRT
The woman in the priority seat actually got off a stop or two after the uncle got on the MRT. So of course she could have easily sacrificed her seat for 2 to 4 minutes?!
I remember reading in the paper once that this one person travels by MRT everyday and they have never seen anyone give up their seat for an Uncle or Aunty in their life. On the other hand, on many occasions I've seen people offer their seats to the elderly on the MRT. I've even been offered a seat by someone after they saw that my left foot/ankle was swollen and thought I had an injury, which was incredibly nice! Maybe the people that travel on the NEL are just nicer? Hehe.
Perhaps there was a diffusion of responsibility yesterday, or maybe Singaporeans aren't that nice after all, or their lazy, or their kiasusm reached an extreme as to where they got their seat and refuse to give it up?????
So here's the question, when should you give up your seat on the MRT or bus and to whom?... Actually maybe it should be what makes you give up/NOT give up your seat?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
There are 3 different paths you can take each with a different level of 'intensity' and all lead you up 163m to Bukit Timah Summit. After that you can mozy back down or carry on walking around the rain forest and see if you can spot monkeys and squirrels on your way or weird twisting tree branches like the one we saw on our way up (pictured right). We also spotted monkeys out of the park on our way to the bus stop, there were more roaming around the residential area than actually in the rain forest!
A lovely peaceful day out for the family or just for a walk and some exercise that doesn't have to be boring. Entrance is FREE!
Happy Mother's Day Singapore!
Maybe I'll ring my own mum wishing her another Happy Mother's Day later today (it was Mother's Day back in March for the UK).
Thursday, May 7, 2009
When you're looking for accommodation in Singapore
- If your new to house hunting (like I am/was) it's important to fully understand that property is where people can get a lot of money from, fast. Yes Singapore is a lovely country, and yes, Singaporeans are generally lovely people too. But when it comes to estate agents,
they're money grabbing whoresthey're still after a sale and will do what it takes to get it. So Just keep an eye on your agent and don't be afraid to ask for exactly what you want. Some will tell you lies about the landlord's position, some will disclose information from you, and some will try to push you to sign things. How you deal with your agent will depend on which one of the above you come across. You're incredibly lucky if you get a nice agent or even one that does everything well and then disappear after the contract is signed and after you pay them their agent fee (because they're not much use after that anyways). Which brings us to the next point. - The agent fee. This is only paid if they successfully find you a place and you agree to sign the contracts. The agent's fee is normally half the property rent. Make sure you check with them first as some do charge a full month's rent.
- Negotiate negotiate negotiate. 1st thing to negotiate is the rent price, this is just so you get a better deal, even if you think it's cheap compared to what you're used to back in your home country. If they won't budge, try to get some other deals instead. You're paying the agent half your month's rent, make them work for it! That's if they're not doing their work properly in the first place. If you're a student, a good one to ask for is that you're deposit will be used to pay for the FINAL months rent. Only do that if you don't need the deposit at the end. Make sure you get this in writing in the contract, or if not, speak to the landlord and see if you can have a mutual agreement on this. (This is where most of my problems came from)
- Read the contract carefully. This may sound like common sense, but sometimes the wording of the contracts are so formal and archaic with lots of "herein to" appearing two or three times in the same clause with some other old fancy sounding words that confuse the hell out of you and detracts your attention away from the main point of the clause. So under confusion you end up agreeing to it without understanding fully what it means.
- The biggest estate agencies in Singapore such as ERA are not necessarily the most reliable. My agent was an ERA (Electronic Realty Associates) representative and she was nice... at the beginning. Then she turned sour when things got complicated. But that's not to say all ERA agents or general estate agents are like that, I know some students had great agents and delivered everything that was asked for. It's easy to think that because they're from one of the largest realty companies in Singapore they should be more reliable. WRONG! You should be aware that their representatives can be any Tom, Dick or Harry because they accept and hire pretty much anyone.
- Make sure you have housemates you can rely on. Not exactly relying on them in the sense that they'll take a bullet for you, just rely on them enough so that they'll pay rent (the right amount of rent) and that they understand that a shared house means shared responsibility. I found that this is something that is personally very important to me, not only from the past year but from the past 3 years since living away at University.
- Speak to your landlord. Not only after you've moved in but during the negotiation and pre-moving in stage too. Sometimes agents may say straight up that something is not possible without even going to the landlord, but if you actually ask the landlord yourself, who knows you may just get what you want. A friend had an agent who would tell them stories about the owners such as their landlord was some big shot guy who bought the house for his son but his son didn't want it so is now renting it out and doesn't really need the money anyways. Turns out their landlord worked in a store in Sim Lim and actually does need the money. Make sure you know your landlords so you know who they are and building some sort of relationship can be helpful especially if you're gonna have to deal with them in the future anyways. They're the ones who have the final say, so it's better to go straight to them and try your luck.
- It's o.k. to be a bitch/arse. After all, these are the terms and conditions that you'll be living under. Might as well be selfish and make sure they're the terms you're happy with. Obviously don't be too mean or too aggressive because that's just general bad practice and you might lose out in the end, and obviously don't make too many requests or be plain uncooperative.
- Get everything in writing. Everything that your agent says you can do or should be able to do, get it in writing or have it in the contract.Well this should have been done in my case but it helps for future reference.
- If the building is old, check that it's not going to be demolished after a few months. This happened with a batch of Fall 2008 exchange students where they found a place at Killiney Road only to be told that it was to be torn down after 3 or 4 months... Singapore has a tendency to build over old things to keep the island modern.
For hassle free accommodation then stick to the hostels that are suggested by your school. They're recommended for good reasons!
So don't be too naive when you're house hunting (like I was), and stand your ground when you need to. Don't let the greatness of Singapore cloud your judgements and remember that not ALL Singaporeans are nice.
Hope this helps and good luck! =)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Finally! Recess week Part 2: Laos
Click here to see Recess Week pt 1: Cambodia
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Random stumblings down Haji Lane
Haji Lane is parallel to Arab Street and if it's not in your Lonely Planet books, it should be! (Actually I think it is) I went there once last semester when a friend took me there to shop. So, during the day Haji Lane is home to boutique stores with vintage and fashionable clothes and accessories. But at night, it's a where people go for Shisha and drinks and Going Om oozes a sense of hippy and bohemian lifestyle.
The video is what manifested from events at Going Om.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Spiderman spotted at NUS library
Anyways, whatever it was, it worked as an interesting de-stresser for NUS students revising for their exams this week. Good luck to everyone at NUS! Jia You! =)
Friday, April 10, 2009
I guess Singapore isn't so clean after all
Story can be found here, and the first outbreak of the news is here.
The owner of the store is devastated, as he had no idea what was happening until the health authorities came. He seems like such a sweet man, really unlucky for everyone affected.
I'm just wondering what on earth could have been in the food to have caused such chaos and extreme consequences??
o.k. just found an answer a little closer to my question... nice...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The Celebs and the Conservative of Singapore
Then after dinner, back to the library as usual, but there's music blasting out from outside, sounded like a concert. Then I recognised one of the songs as Kaiser Chief'

One more r

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Confessions of an Amatuer Blogger
First of all, thank you Proffessor Netzley for giving us this option as an assignment. I used to think a "blog" was an oxymoron in itself, because as a non digital/social media follower (or maybe I'm just slow at following these trends) I understood it as an online diary, so here was my logic:
Diary = journal, often kept to oneself.
Online = a cyber space that everyone can access
Question: Why put your secrets somewhere where everyone can read them? can you understand the confusion I had?
But now, I understand that it's not just about keeping an online journal. Blogging may have started out that way, but now it's evolved and has become more of a source for information as bloggers often write about one specific topic, be it social media, fashion, games, food, politics or sport, there are blogs out there for everyone.
My blog was supposed to document about my experiences during my one year student exchange in Singapore and I tried to keep it consistent and not digress too much, but from my tags, I know I went off track a few times. Perhaps the reason for this was that I started it too late? I wanted to reveal the culture differences and the "weird and wonderful" things about Singapore but they no longer seemed weird to me after the first semester. So instead, I blogged about anything new that I came across and where I did encounter some cultural differences, I found myself having to explain the whole concept before going into the actual topic of the post in the first place.
Was my blog a success?
I'm not exactly sure to be honest. I'm still completely new to digital media so I feel I don't have the required knowledge to judge, that's where you come in Prof haha. As I got used to writing again the posts became easier and I began to understand what I'm supposed to actually write about, and tried to keep it related to Singapore as much as I could.
The first time I realised that my blog is actually out there in the open for others to see was my World Wide Rave submission and David Meerman Scott left a lovely comment and linked my entry on his site. The second realisation was when I had friends both in Singapore and England telling me they read my blog and wanted to post comments but couldn't do so due to the comment moderation settings (I've changed it since but I think it still doesn't work? No idea why). Then the 3rd was when Ang Mo Girl became a follower of my blog (but I'm not sure whether it was because I followed her blog after she found me on Twitter?) I was thinking "someone outside of class and is not my friend is actually reading my blog?!"
I've had over 20 views since I posted the Cambodia video but I'm not sure whether they were direct from my blog or random searches via Youtube. To me, that number seems quite a lot so I consider that as a small indication that people actually read my blog and take a slight interest in it... But from what I've learnt in class that number is probably minuscule when considering what uploading a video on the web can actually do.
Ways in which it wasn't a success was probably my post topics. Ideally this should have been a platform for exchange students or other people coming into Singapore to read and find out more about the country and it's culture and be used as a source for advice for exchange or living in a different country. I don't think I've really provided that type of information, but I've explained why I think that already. However, maybe it can be seen as a source for something else?
It took me a while to figure out Twitter and it's purpose, but over time I began to see the fascination with it. I figured I could try and incorporate it into my blog somehow (after all it is a microblogging tool) and put it at the top of my blog to be used as 'micro posts'. I think I've built a better network on Twitter than I have with my blog. I was surprised when bloggers around Singpore such as Angry Ang Mo, IZ Reloaded and a few others started 'following me' on there (I'm still trying to figure out why I was 'followed' in the first place), and I think there's the possibility Mr Brown might have read a post or two? Maybe that's just wishful thinking?
The Future
I've had a great time exploring the blogosphere and it's helped me realise a new area of interest I could go further into and how much it can actually help with people's daily lives. I'm still in Singapore for a while yet and I will continue posting about my time here until I leave. Whether I'll continue after I return to England, then for the purpose of this being an exchange blog, probably not, but maybe I'll start something new or turn it into something else?
Sorry! I know you said to keep it short and sweet but I just couldn't help myself =)
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Goodbye SMU?!
So I'm nearing the end of semester 2 at SMU and it's hard to believe that my time here is almost up =( Last Thursday it was the exchange students farewell party at Timbre, and Friday was Starry Night (above) marking the end of classes for the semester with live music and cheap drinks just before students start mugging for exams.
This second semester has gone by a lot quicker than last semester, it definitely doesn't seem like it's been 13 weeks since classes started again and all of a sudden they've finished! I didn't want to think about the end of my exchange in Singapore and it's almost impossible not to now. I've met a lot of nice people here, both locals and other exchange students from all over the world and each of them have made my experience here very enjoyable and given me a lot of memories to take back. Along the way I've also experienced a few problems (mainly to do with my estate agent and my accommodation. Advice for future exchange students: DO NOT USE ERA AGENTS!!!) and I've learnt a few lessons the hard way, being so far from home puts the real world into a completely different perspective. When you're pretty much left on your own you learn a few things about yourself. I never realised how naive I can be, I found out that I'm not as culturally aware as I thought I was, and, as the Singaporeans put it, I can be really "blur" at times.
I've experienced the SMU culture and have been taught in a completely different type of education system. The way SMU operates makes complete sense when you think about how it shapes its' students. It's no wonder that the University has such a high graduate employment rate, their students do stand out from the crowd a little, with compulsory 80 hours of volunteering and the requirement to do internships before you can graduate really put the graduates in a good starting position for the working world.
Before I came here I remember reading that when SMU first started back in 2000 it used to be a University where the "not so brilliant" or "NUS rejects" would go and the University would aim to make them become "better people" (or something along those lines). But now, I really don't think that is the case anymore. Students always talk about the competitive environment here and it's no wonder, along with their "Kiasuism" almost everyone is fighting for that grade A (but the profs constantly remind them that grades aren't everything, which I think is entirely true, but if I was a full time student here, it's incredibly hard to believe when everyone else has the "must get an A" mentality). But that's not to say that SMU is all work and no play, there have been no reports of suicide just yet and I haven't met a student who has regretted coming here.
With regards to experiencing a different culture... it's definitely interesting yet confusing at times to understand the culture of Singapore. In my module Intercultural Communications, my professor was explaining that Singapore doesn't have a unique culture because there isn't anything that's distinct to Singapore (ironic when the tourism board promotes the country as "Uniquely Singapore") , but there are things that people will say is very Singaporean like the use of Singlish and their love for food (they will travel to the other side of the country for good food). I guess the ethnic diversity in Singapore means that all the cultures are fused together, so could it not be said that Singapore's culture is a hybrid culture?
A local friend said to me "Singapore is the most non-Asian country in Asia" and to a certain extent I agree. It's very westernized so apart from the fact that it's mostly Asian populated and there's a variety of languages spoken here, there aren't that many differences to England... But then again, if you go to the heartlands (i.e. Toa Payoh, Ang Mo Kio, Katong and a few others) it becomes less westernized and you can find the true Singaporeans there.
Anyways, I still have time to figure it out because I might be sticking around a little longer.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Recess Week - Cambodia + Laos
I've finally finished a picture and video compilation of Cambodia! Yay! Sorry it took so long, first time I've made anything like this and I didn't realise it would be so time consuming! So anyways, first blog post that I can keep relatively short so enjoy the video! =)
Click Here to see Recess Week part 2: Laos
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Food Diversity Weekend
It's so easy for me to just eat what I'm comfortable with in Singapore as I'm surrounded by Chinese food. But that's not to say that Singaporean food is just Chinese food. Singapore is the only place I know that can safely say it's very diverse, and it's reflected in the food. Just over the weekend I had 3 different types of cuisine (if not more) over 2 to 3 days. I went from Indian Muslim food, to Chinese dessert to really good Western food!
To find out where I went and see pictures and videos click on the post title.
So on Friday a classmate wanted to show me something a little different abo
Saturday - Brewerkz and Churros
Saturday we decided to splurge out a little and headed to Clarke Quay for dinner and a few drinks with friends. We already planned this at the start of the week when I saw Angry AngMo's suggested top 5 places for burgers in Singapore and Brewerkz was one of them. As they're known to have good beer (as they brew it themselves) we decided to throw all our cravings into one (because we haven't really been out drinking/clubbing much this semester either).
Earth Ho
<---- Clarke Quay during Earth Hour... Difference?
While we were there I was expecting to have witnessed an hour of "darkness" for Earth Hour, but it didn't seem as though Clarke Quay switched off that many lights? Perhaps I was expecting a bit too much, I guess when I read that Clarke Quay was taking part in the initiative they only switched off the 'Clarke Quay' sign? The surrounding hotels took part too by switching off their main lights but there wasn't much of a difference? I think they could have switched off a few more lights if they really wanted to show their support.
Fashion Bar
The logo on the window of this bar is what caught my attention when I first saw it last semester because I only associated it with Fashion TV, but what lured us there at the weekend was $5 Martini's for girls (yes even on a Saturday night, a promotional offer only throughout March). Even though the alcohol was rather weak (what do you expect for $5 really?) we stayed there until we felt like having a little more food.
Across from Fashion Bar is Allegro, a rather well known place for Spanish street food. So for dessert we had Churros and chocolate sauce, and they even have 2 for 1 cocktails! Who would have known there would be good drink deals around Clarke Quay on a saturday night?!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Mr Brown at SMU
So, yesterday Mr Brown came to SMU and shared with us his life, passions and love of poking fun at
He shared with us some of his spoofs such as 'send ah kong' (means send Grandfather) and "Mee Siam mai hum" (Click here for the explanation if you don't understand) and other
Even though I had only heard of Mr Brown 2 months ago, I could tell more about his personality in that one hour presentation than I could reading his online materials. He's a really humble and down to earth guy living in a HDB flat, has a love for cycling (which is now his main mode of transport), a great sense of humour, young at heart, a loving husband and father, proud Singaporean (despite what you may gather from his writings) and probably has the best job in the world. You can tell he enjoys what he does through his creativity in his podcasts and the other sites that he hosts.
It was a great end to a stressful week and I wish him all the best in his future projects! =)
*Hmm...According to him I do sound like a Singaporean, so perhaps I should continue to follow his stuff when I return to the UK to keep in touch with my inner Singaporean?*
Friday, March 20, 2009
Surprisingly impressed with Orange
To read more click on the post title.
So, I was browsing on the Orange website (a UK phone operating network) looking at phones until a random pop up asks me if I needed any help and that I could speak to an advisor, 'click to chat with an advisor'. I thought "cool let's see what this is" and clicked on the pop up window (after all I remembered my Prof, Michael Netzley, telling us not to be afraid to click around on the internet and explore). After about 30 seconds, John@Orange enters the chat and in a predictable manner asks how he could help me. It starts off kind of slow and mundane as I ask about features of the Sony Erricsson W705 such as HDPSA and EDGE because I had never heard of them before. Coming across as a complete girly girl who knows nothing about technology I probably asked some of the most stupid questions but he dealt with them in a professional manner and with great "patience and forebearance" (as he said in his own words when i asked him how he handles annoying customers).
I could imagine him thinking I'm just really stupid, so I tried to humour him back with sarcastic jabs at his selling techniques. He did recommend some pretty decent phones though and respect to him for putting up with my stupid questions about transmitters and internet connections. He soon took me seriously though after he suggested the LG Renoir to me and I said it's not a good phone because it focuses too much on the camera and video function so compromises on the main function of the phone, which is to talk to people (battery talk time is only around 3 hours). Then his whole tone changed and he was surprised at my comment, then he suggested the HTC Touch HD =). See, all you have to do with Sales people is know enough about the product to surprise them.
All in all, it was a rather amusing conversation, not only was he honest but I have a habit of psycho analaysing the way people behave and he made me wonder if he would have said half the things he said to me if it was face to face sales? He definitely lightened up my day though and apparently I made his day too haha. It's weird how you can sense other people's personalities through text, and I guess John@Orange is pretty good at what he does if he's able to project a personlity behind the screen and still manage to keep the customer happy and remain professional.
Orange has been using online chat services since June last year, it's definitely a great way to communicate with your customers by using today's technology. This was one of those moments where I actually understood how the things I've been learning in Digital Media apply to real life, and it's very rare that I make connections between theory and practice, which is worrying, but the point is I noticed the connection here haha =)
I still haven't chosen a phone that I want though, but John@Orange (who was actually in Scotland) did let me know that there's a new Samsung Ultra Touch S8300 that'll be on the shelves soon and the specs don't look too bad.
Hopefully when I ring up Orange about my current situation with my contract, they'll be just as nice.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
My accent's going meh? It's still British what?!
I've realised that my British accent is becoming less obvious to Singaporeans... no, to other people. Maybe it's the fact that I've been surrounded with American or similar accents at home (as in my home in Singapore) and at SMU. I know that I often have a tendency to slowly pick up accents or my accent begins to change ever so slightly when I'm in a different country/place for a period of time.
Yesterday I was walking with a local friend of mine and we were just talking normally, until he paused and said "Either I'm getting used to your accent, or what you said just now sounded really Singaporean." Then I frantically tried to replay what I said. I couldn't figure out what might have sounded so Singaporean? Did I unknowingly say 'lah', 'neh', 'meh', 'what', or did I miss out a connecting word somewhere in my sentence?
Then my friend pointed out that it was the tone I said a particular word was flatter and the way I said the word was dragged out longer than I normally would have said it.
Then yesterday during a group meeting, a group mate of mine asked me where I'm actually from because she thought I was from the UK but she didn't think I sounded English, but she couldn't tell from my accent where I was actually from.
Don't get me wrong, I do like the Singaporean accent, I remember the first time I went away for a few days and when I came back, the first time I heard a distinct Singaporean accent put a smile on my face.
But for me, my accent helps define who I am over here and I kind of like the fact that people always think I'm local until I open my mouth.
Hmmm... perhaps I have potential to be moulded into a Singaporean? =)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Udderly Good Ice-cream
Udders is known to create their own flavours and are always experimenting with new tastes. You walk in and there's a long chalk board filled with different ideas for new ice cream flavours suggested by customers and others can add their own ideas on there too and vote for the ones they like. A simple, yet very cool way of consumer participation and feedback... I'll probably use the word 'cool' more than a few times because it's the only word that I think describes it's atmosphere, it's look and concept, and ironically also relates to ice-cream. In my mind, anything that allows your customers to express their creativity is a cool idea, so not only can you put up ur ideas for ice cream flavours, but there's a black plastic board on the opposite wall for you to scribble on, with neon pens provided for you. This board was completely filled with messages, birthday shout outs,'xyz was here 08' and other random ramblings. It all adds to the rather young, hip and cool decor and atmosphere. They're ice-cream flavours also reflect this with best sellers such as Lychee Martini, Rum and Raisan and Baileys and Bourbon (one of my favourites), Orange Choc Bitter (with Triple Sec Vodka) and Amaretto Black (all of which were stronger than expected). Of course they have classic flavours such as vanilla and strawberry (although I don't recall ch
Not only is the ice cream popular there but they're drinks are a hit too, with ice cream floats (in what looks to me like a vase for fake flowers - pictured left) and their hot chocolate are favourites among their customers.
One of the best ice-cream places I've been to in Singapore.If I had to give a rating, I would give 8 out of 10 =)
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Are Singaporeans really that nice?
It's Friday night and I'm heading back home, catch the MRT like usual, get off at my station, head to the bus stop and wait for my bus to come. So I sit down on the benches looking towards the traffic keeping an eye out. Even though it's past midnight and there isn't a lot of traffic it's still pretty hard to identify the right bus you want at night.
Whilst I'm waiting, a car pulls in and stops, the window winds down and a guy probably in his late 30s or early 40s looks my way and starts talking. Couldn't hear what he was saying so thought maybe he wanted directions or something so I go up to the window. The guy asks me if I need any help.
"Oh no, I'm just waiting for a bus" I reply.
"Where you go I can take you" He offers,
"Oh no it's ok thank you"
"I can take you where you need to go, just say"
"Oh I live nearby and there's a bus that comes very soon so I'll just wait"
"You're not Singaporean?"
"No I'm not"
"Where you from?"
"you speak Mandarin?"
"No, sorry I can't speak Mandarin"
"I friend you, can take where you need to go"
"No, it's o.k. thank you, there should be a bus that's arriving soon"
"really can take, you will wait for long time now"
"I think a bus should be coming in the next few minutes, I normally wait for this bus anyway, but thankyou very much!"
"Yes, thank you, I really appreciate the offer. Thank you"
Then he drives away.
O.k. so the conversation wasn't word for word, but the content is more or less the same. The weird thing is I did consider at one point to get into the car, but common sense said no of course, and in these circumstances it's important that I listen to it, even if I don't normally. But this situation got me thinking; Singaporeans are generally nice people, but are they that nice to offer a random stranger a lift to their choice of destination? Of course there's two ways that it could have played out if I had got into the car. Chances are he was being genuine and just wanted to help, and then there was a chance it could have gone terribly wrong.
After he drove away, I thought "This is Singapore, people are gerneally quite nice and I think it's safe to trust Singaporeans... He didn't seem to be too weird or dodgy... I'm one girl waiting at a bus stop late at night... maybe he did genuinely just want to help?... If I was a guy I think I would have definitely taken up the offer... if the driver was female... I think I would have taken up the offer too, but would still be a bit wary to begin with." Weird how gender roles play a huge impact on this type of situation. Also, even though Singapore has low crime, it doesn't mean no crime.
I messaged my local friends to ask if this kind of behaviour is normal, they all said no and hoped that I didn't take up the offer. But I do wonder how it would have played out if I did get in the car? Some of the most interesting things happen if you take risks right?
Then my bus arrived and I got home safely.
So are Singaporeans really that nice and can they be trusted completely?
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Lets Talk About Love Bay-Be
So in line of the occasion, I thought it was best to post something relevant to this day dedicated to celebrating L-O-V-E love! Or if you choose to believe, a day that is a load of crap where businesses have an excuse to jack up their prices for love related consumer goods and disguise them as V-Day "promotions". Which ever version you choose to believe, this time of year always get people thinking about relationships and the idea of this weird emotion 'love'.
So on Friday I attended an event organised by my friend's church. There was a buffet, a mini drama and a discussion on the subject of love. The drama gave three perspectives on this human emotion we call love: the advocate of love who thinks love is just a wonderful thing, the cynical view where love is something that is created by society to help the economy grow because if there was no love, there's no marriage, there's no babies, there's no people! And the final view was the more scientific view which included explanations about why the body thinks we feel the emotion of love with mentions of serotonin, dopamine... sounds like pretty heavy stuff right? But it was actually rather light hearted.
Now, the serious stuff. There was a guest speaker, a lawyer, and she shared with us what she had found out about love. This included what love should be, such as "love suffers long, it does not envy, it does not rejoice in iniquity, love thinks no evil and love never fails" etc etc etc. She told us that there was scientific evidence conducted about love from the University of Denver where researchers found that the factors of love were the same as what the Bible says about love, and the researchers weren't even Christians themselves. Of course it had to relate back to Christianity somehow.
She did bring up an interesting point later though, one which I could see the light on, so to speak. She said that pride gets in the way of love. Why? Because if we have too much pride in ourselves, we fail to see our own faults, we think that everything we do is right even when we're wrong. So you can see how that can be a recipe for disaster when it comes to relationships! Then the next bit was, for me, a no surprise moment...If we don't open our hearts we don't open ourselves to God which is why sometimes we may feel that we start questioning the existence of God. To be able to feel that God exists you must open yourself up to him. I couldn't help but think "isn't that the same with everything though?" She then shared with us when she was ready to walk out on her church because she didn't believe that God existed, she wanted him to show himself to her in some way or form. Her experience was somewhat interesting. She told us of what she thought was going to be her last service when she was 19, and she was saying her last prayer she felt a drip of water on her forehead. She looked up, there was nothing. So she carried on praying and said for God to show his existence, she wasn't sure of it anymore and she was going to walk out and then she felt another drip of cold water on her forhead again. Again she looked up and around and couldn't see anything but the ceiling (at this point I was thinking air coniditioning problems in the church maybe, or a leak somewhere in the ceiling?). Again she carried on but a little frightened until she felt a whole bucket of water had been thrown over her and then she heard an audible voice saying "I love you" and that was when she knew it was Jesus... I thought 'huh, interesting, why Jesus?
I'm not saying I don't believe her, I do believe that she did feel the bucket of water and I believe that she heard that voice, but whether it was Jesus... I'm not too sure. This is where people will say to me that I think this because I'm not opening myself up to God haha.
So what did I take away from the event yesterday?
The thoughts of love are universal.
The thoughts of God depend on the individual.
Religion will forever be a tricky subject to discuss amongst others that may not all share the same view and you can go round and round in circles debating the facts and other view points, so I think it's best that I leave it here for now.
I did find out a bit more about Christianity in Singapore though. I think churches follow more of an American type of service where people will belong to one church, and this church will have around 2000 members of something. The event I went to yesterday was held by the Cornerstone Church and organised by four different 'cells' within that church. Cells are just smaller groups that are formed to allow people to integrate with each other more and build their own smaller group within the church. Overall I think it was put together rather nicely.
So I guess I have to thank my friend who invited me and honestly, it opened my eyes up a bit to a few things, and thank you to Cornerstone church for holding this event.
Monday, February 9, 2009
It's a Rave Dave!
"A World Wide Rave is when people around the world are talking about you, your company, and your products. Whether you’re located in San Francisco, Dubai, or Reykjavík, it’s when global communities eagerly link to your stuff on the Web."
One book.
One computer.
One poster....
hundreds maybe thousands of submissions...
all over the world!
Very cost effective!
Here are my submissions to the rave taken at the Esplanade:

The first photo is the Esplanade Rooftop. In the background is Singapore's central business district (CBD) skyline with the Fullerton Hotel facing the harbour and sitting proudly opposite and into the harbour is the Merlion (although you probably can't see it properly on here). The lights at night just create an array of colours that adds life to the atmosphere of the CBD. This just shows how fast Singapore has grown and how quickly it can build itself to success. To me, Singapore is a prime representation of a world wide rave in itself because there are so many different ethnicities from all over the globe in one place. Singapore is raving!
The second picture is taken at the Huayi Chinese Arts Festival, also held at the Esplanade and lasted over the course of Chinese New Year celebrations. Just an example of one of many events that are held in Singapore to celebrate one of their many cultures.
My friends who helped me take these photos and also took part of the rave themselves:
(From left to right: Me, Xiao Le, Youqian, Xi Xi )
Coincidentally, on the surface we're Chinese, but we're from different places around the globe. Xiao Le is from China studying full time at SMU, Xi Xi is from Germany, Youqian and myself are from England but she was born in China, and I have a Hong Kong background. What I'm getting at is that we're all of Chinese ethnicity but we all have different stories and live in completely different countries. We've been brought together from different parts of the world to Singapore. I believe that this itself is a World Wide Rave.
Thanks to my professor in Digital Media Across Asia Michael Netzley for introducing this to the class and opening my eyes up to the power of viral marketing. Also congratulations to my class mates (Ephraim Loy, Dorothy Poon, Jonathan Huang, Raj, Apurva, Tina, Michelle, Anirban Datta Gupta and Terri and Cheryl) having made such unique contributions and grabbing the attention of David Meerman Scott himself
Singapore in a nutshell
Apologies for not updating sooner, you would have thought that I would have so much to say about the past five or six months! Which is true, I do, but to condense it all is difficult. I guess the best way to do this is to write about the important elements of my exchange in Singapore; that is the country itself (obviously), the culture, the people and the university. When I was back home in England, Singapore seemed like one of those countries that people just nodded and smiled at when you mentioned it. To me that meant that they didn’t really know what it's about but it sounds like a cool place to be (because it's not in England), and they wouldn't ask that many questions in the fear of sounding stupid or ignorant or both. And to be honest, I was like that a few years back, even though I visited Singapore 2 years ago for a holiday, I never did see what Singapore was really about, but now, I think I’m beginning to understand.
The Country
Anyway, Singapore is a country in it's own right (independency since 1965), it's a small island beneath Malaysia (to put things in perspective, London is double the size of Singapore). All year round temperatures are around 25-30°C which means no seasons, it's constantly summer. Despite having a Chinese population of around 75%, it's still very multicultural, next in line are Malays (13%) and then Indians (8%), and the rest of the population is made up of people from all over the world! You can find more about the history and stats on the country here. There are many languages spoken here; English, Chinese (mostly Mandarin, but I've heard Cantonese too and other dialects are spoken such as Hakka and Hokkien), Malay, Tamil, Punjabi and then you get other Indian dialects which I'm not too familiar with the names, and of course, Singlish... O.k. so it's not a "real" language as such, it's just the way to describe how Singaporeans speak. Due to their history and diversity, they throw different words from different languages together, it's not unusual to hear them speak English and then all of a sudden there's "makan" or "shiok" or "walau".
Singapore is actually a really modern and cosmopolitan place to be, for me, there was very little culture shock when I arrived, and there was nothing distinctly out of the ordinary. To be honest, at times it felt as though I was back in England, but the only difference was that I’m part of the ethnic majority rather than the minority.
The University
The university I’m attending is Singapore Management University (SMU). It’s in the city so quite convenient to get around to all the main spots of Singapore, it’s pretty hard to get lost, as long as you can find your way to an MRT station, you’re fine! SMU is quite new and the buildings reflect the modernity that Singapore has built itself up to be. The method of teaching is different to Manchester University though. They use the American learning system, so instead of sitting in a lecture hall for an hour or two filled with around 200 or so students and one lecturer, we have a small class size of around 45 and a professor teaching and encouraging discussion from the students. This took me a while to get used to, not the small class sizes, but rather the participation part (we’re graded on how well we participate), the weekly meetings with your project group for 3 hours non-stop, mid terms, make up classes and the constant assignments. They say that SMU has a very competitive culture, with all the work they do, it’s no wonder they find it stressful, I’m normally a very laid back person with what I consider lower than average stress levels and even I’m starting to feel it here haha.
The Culture
The culture here is interesting (I’m saying that in a good way). You could say it’s typically Chinese because it’s predominately dominated by Chinese Singaporeans but that doesn’t mean that they take over the other cultures and traditions that exist here. They celebrate a lot of festivals and significant calendar events for different cultures such as Chinese New Year which has just passed, Hari Raya, Divali (Deepavali as it’s known here), Christmas, and one that I’ve only just heard of as it happened yesterday, Thaipusam, and many others.
I remember in one of my classes the professor said that Singapore could be seen as lacking culture because there isn’t one specific ‘culture’ that it follows but adopts all the practices from the major ethnic groups. I understand why that could be the case, but why can’t the diversity factor be a ‘culture’ for Singapore. It’s not easy to find a country that has so many different cultures in one place, the multicultural aspect is what makes Singapore unique in a sense. One thing that I have noticed here and has probably brought all the different groups together is the love for food. Food is a pass time for Singaporeans (hurray! Something I can relate to). Majority of Singaporeans, if not all, love their food. They will be more than happy to travel to the other side of the island for some good Chinese/Indian/Malay/Peranakan/Indonesian/Japanese/Thai/Western food, you get the idea. Where are the best foods? I find that it’s in the hawker centres. Good, cheap, local dishes. You’re spoilt for choice in Singapore when it comes to food! That's one of the main reasons why I love it here!